Heating and cooling systems are one of the most significant electronic gadgets at home as they function all year round. They help create a warm environment in winter and bring in cool air during a hot summer day. So it is also important that air ducts function well all year round and are regularly serviced and maintained. Whether it is summer, spring time or winter, HVAC units and air ducts are constantly affected by the vagaries of weather and they need to be periodically checked and repaired if they show signs of damage or potential problems.
Snow and rain are two of the more serious threats especially in cases where homes and roofs are not well maintained. Any leak in the room or mostly the attic can cause water to seep in and enter the air ducts. This creates the perfect breeding ground for the growth of mold and spores. The ductwork itself may have cracks and small holes, and owners should do a quick visual inspection and get them sealed immediately.
In case you live in an area where it's fairly windy during most part of the year, then dust and pollen is something that you have to deal with constantly. These contaminants also find their way to the air duct easily and tend to get accumulated there. Now if you turn on the HVAC unit, this will enter the home and eventually our respiratory systems. The negative effect on our health is easily visible in a short span of time. If your area has witnessed strong winds or hurricanes in the recent past, then it's probably time to clean the ducts.
Cold can also cause much damage as improper insulation can lead to moisture seeping into the ducts. Always keep an eye open for any signs of damage or leaks.